Filta now belongs to Franchise Brands

Informe de prensa, 03/06/2022

Filta now belongs to Franchise Brands

© Fotografía: Filta

With the successful acquisition of Filta Group Holdings plc by Franchise Brands plc, Filta Fry Deutschland plc and Filta Group Europe BV are now also part of the new franchise family. A total of over 600 franchisees are spread across six established franchise brands in the UK, North America and Europe.

In addition to Filta, B2B brands include Metro Rod, Metro Plumb and Willow Pumps, while ChipsAway, Ovenclean and Barking Mad are among the B2C brands. All companies are leaders in their respective markets and have a long history.

“This acquisition is a very important milestone for us in our company’s history”, said Jos van Aalst, who manages Filta business in Germany as well as in Europe. “On the one hand, we have the opportunity to offer our services to a much larger customer base, and on the other, we benefit from the services as well as the franchise expertise of other brands.”

“Over the coming months, we will examine exactly which services from the other brands would usefully supplement our current portfolio of mobile fryer, oil and grease management”, added van Aalst. Filta has in fact, continued to broaden its range of mobile services for commercial kitchens in recent years. These include the on-site replacement of refrigeration seals, chemical-free drain cleaning as well as cutting-edge solutions for grease separation and for cleaning extraction duct systems.

In future, Filta will further expand its activities across Europe. To achieve this, the company is currently seeking an ‘Operations Director Europe’, who will act as the contact for franchise partners outside Germany and Austria as well as for larger customers outside the German-speaking region.

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Acerca de Filta

Filta - servicio completo móvil en torno a la freidora - se fundó en 1996 en el Reino Unido y opera en régimen de franquicia. Actualmente está establecida en muchos países del mundo y también está activa en España desde 2018. El concepto incluye el filtrado y la limpieza del aceite de cocina, así como la limpieza de las freidoras in situ, incluida la aceptación y la eliminación profesional del aceite usado. Filta suministra aceite fresco cuando se solicita y se encarga de rellenar las freidoras. Además, Filta ofrece otros servicios móviles: la fabricación directa in situ de juntas para frigoríficos, la limpieza y desinfección periódica de desagües sin productos químicos, así como soluciones de última generación en el ámbito de la separación de grasas y la limpieza permanente de vitrinas de gases.

Entre los clientes se encuentran restaurantes y bares, hoteles, empresas de catering, instalaciones deportivas, parques de atracciones, comedores, cantinas y otros. Filta es miembro de la Asociación Alemana de Franquicias y de las asociaciones Greentable y United against Waste.

Contacto de prensa

Maja Schneider

Maja Schneider

Teléfono: +49 30 79708771
Móvil: +49 172 7705025

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